
Traveling with almost no preparation can be both challenging and dangerous. This blog is about how I managed to through Asia without much preparation and survived it--and then beyond. After all, how well prepared are we to travel through life? Only with grace of god(s). Thank you!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

South Korea, Winter 2010

1 comment:

  1. Just finished the Korea portion vid of my travel to Asia, using Picasa and Audacity to merge two pieces of music together. The music is by Guan Seunim and Kang Sane. It took a long time to upload, save, etc.

    I still have China and Tibet vids to do, but enjoying the process. Very meditative.
    Mb even YH's tea pix for her.

    My travel route:

    Korea: Seoul->Jeju->Ilsan->Seoul
    China: Shanghai -> Huangshan -> Hangzhou (Sihu) -> Xi'An -> Chengdu
    Tibet/Nepal: Lhasa -> travel south on the Friendship Highway, meeting the Himalayas in person -> Kathmandu -> Seoul
    Hawaii -> L.A.
